Who are we?

We understand that some of our landlords might not know much about Cornerstone and who we are, as the initial site agreement may have been with our customers (Mobile Network Operators).

We want to help build stronger connections with you and tell you more about us in this issue.

Company information

Cornerstone is the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services company. We acquire, manage and own over 15,500 sites and are committed to enabling best-in-class mobile connectivity for over half of all mobile customers. Our mobile infrastructure helps keep our society well connected to today’s needs and the future by being placed in urban and rural areas, including rooftops, street work sites and greenfield locations.

Formerly known as CTIL, we rebranded as Cornerstone in 2019 and since then have also commercialised last year, meaning we are no longer a joint venture by Vodafone and Telefónica but instead provide them with a service as our customers

The following information explains how we keep the UK connected, working with our landlords.

  • Our customers need to be able to place their radio equipment on sites across the UK so they can continue to provide mobile coverage and connectivity to local communities. We work with them to look at areas where mobile infrastructure can be placed or needs upgrading to facilitate the need.
  • Once we identify a site, after extensive research and background work, we need to conduct a Multi-Skilled Visit (MSV) on the potential area to see if the site is suitable for placing infrastructure. We work with the landowner to arrange this site visit.
  • If the site is suitable, we engage with the landowner (or their agent) to discuss a site agreement.
  • Where necessary, we submit planning applications for the installation, and if the application is approved, we can look at completing the agreement.
  • On completing the agreement between the landowner and Cornerstone, we will start to build the site.
  • Throughout the site build phase, we partner with contractors and agents to ensure we carry out the work as agreed, and we keep our landlords up to date.
  • Once we have placed or upgraded the infrastructure and the site is complete, with our landlords’ support and our customer’s networks, we continue to keep the UK connected.

Find out more about us here.