
Cornerstone is proud to be certified by the British Standards Institute (BSI) for: ISO 9001 Quality Management, ISO 14001 Environmental Management, ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management, ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management and ISO 27001 Information Security Management.
BSI ISO certification marks are internationally recognised for representing quality, reliability and continual improvement. They give assurance and peace of mind to:

  • Our shareholders, customers, suppliers and other interested parties, including operators who place their equipment on our infrastructure; and
  • To the tens of millions of customers who use our customers' networks

In 2015, we were the first UK company in the telecommunications industry to obtain all five certificates in one year, and we remain committed to achieving and maintaining excellence.

Cornerstone’s Integrated Management System (IMS) is the integration of our five management systems certification.

At Cornerstone, we uphold our brand values and believe in ‘Maximising the chances of a great outcome’ through applying the ISO concepts of ‘Process Approach and Risk-Based Thinking’ to which we are certified.

ISO9001 icon

FS 598475

ISO27001 icon

IS 598479

ISO22391 icon

BCMS 598474

ISO14001 icon

EMS 598476

ISO45001 icon

OHS 588480